Research has shown that the vast majority of children and adults involved in sports consider it to be an enjoyable and rewarding part of their lives.
But what benefits can come from participating in sports and activities?
Physical - We can learn our athletic skills and increase our health and fitness
Social - Sports offer everyone the opportunity to join a team and a network of friends and acquaintances.
Psychologically - We develop leadership skills, self-discipline, respect, noble competitiveness and self-confidence. Plus, sports can be just fun!
The primary goal and what really matters is fun! So the key to benefiting from sports is to focus on engaging and having fun - not just performance.
Winning is fun when it happens but that does not mean it should be an end in itself. What is important is the joy of the activity. To enjoy the moment, to be optimistic and to encourage ourselves and our friends to find something that excites him.
And last but not least, the headline made you ask yourself, 'Have you had fun?' If the answer is "yes" then you will immediately understand that you have found the activity that suits you…